Tuesday, April 01, 2008

We're assembling bookshelves

Baby and I are assemblinga couple of bookshelves, so we can sort out our books. So far we've done one bookshelf; two more left.

The process would probably go faster if I didn't stop too many times to take pictures. But it's the first time Baby and I do a project together, and so, i think, worth recording.

The planks were already marked, so it was easy to work out where everything should go. The difficulty was in ensuring that the planks were well-aligned and in making sure we don't hurtfingers were screwing on the nails.

Not bad, even if I do so say so myself. Next in the line-up is a shelf for Baby's books.

1 comment:

Kyra said...

Lovely! And, so many books!

Best, Kyra

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