Using my Google Calendar, I made a list of all the things I want to /need to do, whether they were work, home or life related.
It was long. 3-pages LOOONG, to be exact.I'm not talking about big projects - just small things like needing to call a plumber to fix a couple of leaking taps, cleaning out the braai stand and taking it back to my friend who lent it to me formy birthday, updating sites daily, writing up a couple of articles that I have already done research for and meeting up with friends I haven't seen in a while.
I feel better having a better idea of what needs to get done. But right this minute, I wish my to do list was much shorter:-)
P.S. I've just remembered that I also have a couple of books I need to read and review. Going to add to the list...
Hmmm, my to do list, well tomorrow we have a group meeting, followed by a staff barbecue, and the next day we have farewell cakes, so my to do list is pretty short!
Damaria I have wanted to ask you a pretty trivial question for some time, but please put it riiiiight at the bottom of your to do list.
You know the second verse of the national anthem, this bit:
Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso,
O fedise dintwa la matshwenyeho,
O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso,
Setjhaba sa South Afrika – South Afrika.
So on the internet it says it is SeSotho, but my Tswana friend once told me that it was Tswana. I don't know if she meant that it was understandable in Tswana. Is it similar or exactly the same? I am assuming just similar?
LOL. That's one item I can deal with right quickly:-)
The languages are very similar, but the way you've written them is in Sesotho.
Note the minor changes in the Setswana version:
Morena boloka setshaba sa etsho
O fedise dintwa la matshwenyego,
O se boloke, O se boloke setshaba sa etsho,
Setshaba sa South Afrika – South Afrika.
Cool! That clears up something I have wondered for many years :) They are quite similar!
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