Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I need gift ideas

Still keeping my nose to the grindstone. Lots of progress on the publishing project, which is very encouraging. Emailed several steady clients and asked them to send me all the work that will be due January. It will be nice to do the assignments at a slow pace and I can go on leave confident that I have work for January.

Thinking of buying one of my clients a Christmas present but I'm not sure whether it's kosher or not, and if it's OK, what to buy him. He's brought me a lot of work this past year (more than 5 referrals, who now bring me steady work) and I just want to express my appreciation.

Obviously chocolate and gift hampers are out. I had too many of those when I was a journalist and I always ended up giving them away to family, friends, even a couple of tenants. So I prefer something thoughtful that he could possibly use/like.

Client is in his 20s, I think. We're not buddies or chatty or anything like that, so the gift has to be a bit friendly but conservative to reflect our relationship. Suggestions please?


po said...

I am sorry I have no suggestions whatsoever :( I am the worst present buyer. I just cannot think of stuff. I was thinking of buying my boss an xmas present to make up for me being nuts to work with, but am not sure if that is even appropriate or what to get. I need advice too!

A book voucher? An iTunes voucher? Those kinds of things are always great, but the problem is they come with an amount attached to them.

Damaria Senne said...

LOL! Hopefully you will be able to use some of the gift ideas here if we get any that sound good.

tiah said...

Well, giving you are a writer and it is a 'writing relationship' of a sort I'd give a gift the reflects that. If he is younger perhaps one of Lauren Beukes' novels?

Lori said...

I've bought clients cookie baskets, tea baskets...maybe if he drinks coffee, you could send him a coffee box or something?

Then there's the standard cheese set. Or maybe something iPod related?

Pamela said...

I like the book or book voucher idea. How about a memory stick - always useful? Lori's coffee idea also cool. A goody basket is still a good idea, even if he shares the wealth with someone else - you would have saved him the time and effort to think of a suitable and buy gift for a friend, loved one or one of his own client's!

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