Coming Soon!

Ebook Will Be Free Indefinitely
The job hunt is on provides guidance, advice and tips to job-hunters, particularly those at the start of their careers. When the ebook is launched, it will be available free-of-charge to individuals, as well as registered NGOs and NPOs who work with the youth.

The e-book was initially written by Christelle du Toit and Damaria Senne to support job-hunting workshops for rural youth in Phokeng, in the North West province of South Africa, who either have no work experience or very little, and do not have the knowledge or skills to market themselves properly.

It evolved into a detailed guide for youth in similar positions and offers simple, easy-to-understand, practical guidelines based on international best practices.

The e-book contains sections such as: how to look for work electronically and in traditional ways; finding jobs that suit the individual; how to prepare winning CVs and cover letters; how to prepare for an interview; and what to do post-interview.

It is highly practical and looks at issues such as how social media has changed the job landscape, as well as the role communities can play in helping people look for work. Tools and examples contained in the book include CV and cover letter examples (both good and bad), and tips on how to answer frequently asked questions in interviews.

Ebook Details


Publisher:             Damaria Senne Media
Length of book:   62 pages
Format:                PDF (for now)
Launch date:       4 April 2016

Copyright Notice

With the exception of entries specifically credited to individual authors, the content on this blog is copyrighted by Damaria Senne and may not be reprinted without permission.