Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Writing Day

So during the December holidays the pumpkins started running through my garden and have practically taken over the space. Not that other vegetables seem to mind: they are also growing vigorously, and for the past couple of weeks, I've had more than enough spinach, beetroot, cucumber, chillies, cabbage and green beans to prepare my meals everyday and to give away some of neighbours and friends.

My planting was staggered, so there is a possibility the garden will keep me fed for the next two months as more crops mature. Yay!

Spent most of the day writing to update sites and work on a client newsletter. One of the my reader letters this morning was from a woman who suspects that her husband is cheating on her, and she was asking for advice on what she should do. Letters like this always break my heart, because she knows what she wants to do; she just doesn't want to do it because it hurts. So she asks for advice, so that she can try to rationalise the pain and devastation that is neither rational or easy to deal with. In addition to responding to her comment on the site, I wrote a short article outlining what you can do if you suspect that your partner is cheating on you. Check out the article on the OneLove regional web site.

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