Monday, March 28, 2011

Procrastinating By Doing Other Work

Morning has been busy- delivered client documents at printers, got my SIM card RICA'd all over again ( I keep getting messages from the service provider, even though I had done it), renewed my meds precsriptions, dealt with emails/correspondence, updated clilent sites and FB pages and planted peas and beans ( with seeds from the garden). And I knew that I was procrastinating even while I did all that.

The main tasks for  for the day are to:
  • Deal with the look and feel of a section in a client web site I'm working on. The section looks ugly, to be honest. And not very user-friendly.
  • Write two short articles for client newsletters.
  • Fill in documents to register as a service provider for a new client. The forms are four-pages long, so I'm not looking forward to the actual task, though I'm happy to land the client.
  • Send out a bunch of promo emails for a client. 

What's your plan? And what do you when you procrastinate on tasks you're somehow not in the mood for doing? 


Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

I'm going to catch up on emails and blog comments and try to set up a few more advance blogposts, so that I have more time for working on converting my novel into an e-book.

You and Tiah crack a mention in my latest blog post! :)
Judy (South Africa)

Damaria Senne said...

Thanks for the mention, Judy. And good luck with your ebook. I look forward to seeing the cover soon...

Laura said...

Oh gosh I turn into the queen of procrastination the second an assignment is due or an exam is looming!

I will scrub the loo, alphabetise the grocery cupboard - you name it I will do it!

Rebecca A Emrich said...

I finally got around to doing my blog! I think it counts because I was waiting to do so all morning.

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