Thursday, April 07, 2011

What Sparked Your Creativity This Week?

Jenny Nijenhuis, the illustrator for my children's book, sent me a copy of Meerkat Mail to show me the kind of children's book she likes. And I have to say, I find the book very inspiring.

Click on the link embedded in the title to buy the book
 It's not just the story, which is fun and funny and well-written. The illustrated book has a lot of points of interest -  the CD of the story, being read by John Sessions, the newspaper clippings,  the postcards attached on a number of pages of the book etc.

This is the kind of book from which children learn something new every time they read it. Now my mind is seething with ideas on how I can make my own children's book interesting.... Many thanks Jenny, for the book, and Angela, for the delivery.

In my drive to give my works a chance to be published or developed, I submitted a project proposal that had been languishing in my computer. This one went to The African Story Teller Development Project, who are are actively developing African and South African stories into Films and Television Shows.  Check out their call for submissions on the South African Writers Network.They accept fiction  and non-fiction.

Spent the rest of the day doing client work, setting up meetings for the next two weeks and doing admin work.

How's your week shaping up? What sparked your creativity this week?

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Sounds like a great book. Love meercats.

I had an interviewee who sparked my creativity. Instead of giving me the usual PC answers, he gave me a strong opinion with lots of great emotive quotes. It makes writing my article on quite a dry subject so much more fun, and will probably mean that the reader enjoys it more too :-)

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