Monday, July 09, 2007

Rahab’s House, Word Salad

What do you think of my new colour scheme? It feels lighter/cleaner, so I think I'll keep it for a while.

I rewrote the poem that was rejected late last month, and submitted it to Word Salad Poetry Magazine.

I'm rewritinng a children’s story titled Rahab’s House. I wrote the first draft some time last year and the text came to 878 words. I think the story is shaping up real well on the second rewrite.

Rahab’s House is the story of Galaletsang (Gala), an 11 year old girl who is tired of living with her aunt’s family and wants to live with her biological (real) mother.

Gala's Aunt Moipone is overly strict aunt and Uncle Kagiso is always tired and grouchy. Her cousins (3 boys) are OK, when they are not teasing her too much or using her stuff without asking first.

One Saturday, after another argument with her Aunt about Gala not wiping the lunch dishes properly, she decides to run away from home to live with her mother.

Gala believes her mother will be kinder and more understanding than her Aunt, and will certainly not yell at her about making beds, washing dishes and taking care of her very naughty 7-year old cousin.

Gala's mother lives and works in Johannesburg, and visits the family once every three months or so.

Gala doesn't have the money to make the trip to Johannesburg, so she decides to ask her school friend Rahab.

Rahab’s family runs a shebeen (run a bar from their home, with living room as a lounge), so she has easy access to cash.

As with most of my children’s stories, Rahab’s House is set in the village of Phokeng, and it’s suitable for 8-12 year olds.

P.S. I went to school with a Rahab when I was in primary school. I don’t really know what happened to her ( she didn't attend the same high school), but I loved her name and this story is in memory of her and our childhood antics.

I also have a niece called Galaletsang. I mentioned previously on this blog that I name most of my characters for people I know? They love seeing their names in print.

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