My house was built in 1932, and I’m not sure how old my geyser is, but it’s definitely older than I am.
And for this wonderful investment, my excess is minimal really.
So while we wait for the plumber to arrive, we’re using this home-made urn.
Essentially, it’s a 20 litre plastic paint bucket, with electrical wiring inserted into the lid and an old element on the inside of the lid.

A friend of mine made the plastic urn for me. I know the exterior looks old, but it heats up water real fast, and we use it to heat water for all purposes that don’t include eating and drinking.
Speaking of friends, Janet Riehl, an American blogger who I initially met online and who visited my family last year, phoned yesterday.
It’s been too long since we connected, and the 2 and a half hour conversation was really wonderful. That’s Janet and I: we clicked as soon as we “met” and never run out of things to say.
Janet she has been hectically busy this past year working on developing an audio product using her collection of poems, Sightlines her father's poetry and his music.
According to Janet, the story-poems in Sightlines stitch together the lives of six generations."The fiddles, mandolin, guitar, and songs weave memories of a bygone time with the crisp realities of modern life. It’s a poetic-musical duet capturing the humor, joy, and sorrow that create the weft of any family," she says.
Some time in July I’m going to host Janet here on my blog so she can talk about Sightlines.
Win a OneLove -T-Shirt
Work-related writing has been spotty, partially because there have been so many public holidays this month.
The most important thing I want to highlight is the launch of the OneLove Poetry Competition, which we launched last week.
The 5 winners will each get a OneLove T-Shirt, exactly like the one actor and musical sensation Zuluboy is wearing.
My biggest challenge is that we’re not getting as many entries as I'd like, so we’re going to extend the deadlines to give participants a chance to enter.
So please come on over and enter the OneLove Poetry Competition. Your poem can be serious, fun, quirky.. and it can be in any format.
In the meantime,I'm still on a blog promotion blitz. So feel free to invite me to guest--blog for you.
I write about HIV/AIDS, sexuality and relationships, information communication technology, parenting, women's issues and writing and I'm promoting numerous blogs and web sites.
Let's talk about love, sex, money and trust
If you are a small business owner, or want to start your own business, feel free to join me on the OneLove web site as we chat about some of the challenges young women face when they start their own businesses.
Watch an excerpt of Between Friends, a drama that is part of the UNTOLD series. Between Friends looks at 2 young women who start a business with financial back-up from the boyfriend.
No need to duke it out!
I’m also working on a feature article which argues that there need not be any discord between CMMI (Capability Maturity Model® Integration) and Agile software development methods.
This is part of a series of articles that are going into the May issue of the newsletter of the JCSE (Johannesburg Centre for Software Engineering).
The article is based on "CMMI® or Agile: Why Not Embrace Both!", a report published by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Melon in the US.
Having loads of fun
So while I haven't done as much work as I would have in a normal work month, I've had loads of fun in the past week or so.
I'm watching Twilight (on DVD). I loved the book series, and have just finished reading Breaking Dawn. I'm not sure how I feel about the multimedia representation of my favourite characters, especially Edward.
Somehow, the Edward in my head and the one in the movie are not gelling easily. Not that I didn't like actor/acting, it's just takes time for the two to come together.
And I guess that's what always happens when you create a fictional character: if you do it right, your readers fall in love with him/her, and somehow, they start to visualise the person and I'm sure it's not a comfortable process for the scriptwriter, director and actor brings a new richness to the character while also pleasing book fans.
I'm also watching the Ghost Whisperer season 1 box set ( made up of 22 episodes). I love what I've seen so far......
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