The free ebook is actually a collection of different types of headlines, for numerous types of stories/blog posts. All you have to do is choose the headline that resonates with your story, fill in the missing words to make it wholy relevant for your story and you're in business.
Hopefully, I will now spend less time wondering: "what do I call this sucker?" after writing an article or blog post or have one of my editors call to say, "very nice story Damaria, but what's it called?"
Yup, that has happened a couple of times:-(.
Anyhoo, you can also download your free copy
And on the life front...

I hadn't seen them in waay too long, and it was a wonderful, relaxed evening of good food, too much wine, a sharing of newroom horror stories and stories we knew but never wrote (because legitimate sources would not confirm /or the story was too tabloid) and loads of giggles.
Thanks Jana, Thabiso, Anneli, Flo and everyone for a lovely evening. It was wonderful and I really should meet up with you more often.
Was too tired for my usual early morning wake up though, and only dragged myself out of bed around 8am when the courier from a publisher knocked to drop off an assignment package.
The look on his face when he saw my face with my hair standing on end! Next time I will take the time to run a comb through my hair first:-)
I am useless with story titles. And conclusions.
Dinner sounds lovely. I don't actually know many other journos. I guess if I'd worked for a paper I would. But I dunno if I could do hard news. Features are so much more fun.
I keep loads of hats on hand for my frequent bad hair days ;-)
@Tamara - conclusions are a bitch to write! A friend of mine sent me an article on Friday asking me to cut it and add a conclusion. And I couldn't come up with one. Eventually I called her and said, "you've introduced your story, explained how the process all works and given examples, but SO WHAT? Why should I or the reader care about all these things?"
So explained and as she spoke I wrote her words down and that was the conclusion of her article.
Now she owes me dinner:-)
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