Spent Saturday morning emailing lots of people I haven't spoken to in at least two years, sourcing story ideas for BizTech Africa. It was bitter-sweet. There are a lot of people I liked and enjoyed wroking when I was working as a fulltime tech biz journalist, but our relationship was just business and I was too shy to keep in touch when I was no longer working the beat, because I wouldn't have known what to say to them. Now I have an excuse to renew relations. Yay!
Also spent a lot of time working in my garden. Rearranged flower pots ( see photo of one of the arrangements that I took on the left), cleared out dead plants, planted more veges (peas, beetroot, carrots, radish) and transplanted more carrots, spinach, lettuce and rocket. I have way too many rocket plants. They grew on their own from the seeds that fell off the last bushes I had, and the plant is now trying to take over my garden.
I also hurt the palm of my right hand - I developed a blister I didn't feel, and then the skin peeled off. It's still not sore, and I can type just fine, thanks, but I've put a elastoplast and then bound the hand loosely, just to make sure the hand stays clean and heals well. I hate wearing gloves when I dig the soil with a fork but I guess I'm going to have to do that next time. Never mind that it feels clumsy....
As for work, it's going along. This week's quiz is about whether we always tell the truth to our partners, lie, or judge the potential impact of the truth first before deciding a course of action.
I am however, a bit worried because I live near a fan park, and can hear the music as they do a sound check. And for now, I don't really mind the music, but it will start t drive me nuts over the month as the soccer games and music festival continue. Gah!

You can read the novella online on www.breetanner.com starting today , or you can buy the hard copy.
You might remember Bree as the girl who surrenders during the big battle in Eclipse, book 3 of the Twilight saga. She's really a blip in there, because she gets killed soon after. But the novella tells the story of who she is, how she ended up in the battle, why she surrendered and her last moments before her death.
I guess it's a good promotion tool for the Eclipse movie, which is coming out later this month.
Best of luck with the noise!
Blogger is acting weird...no idea why the double post...
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