Saturday, May 21, 2011

Story telling: a projective look at the unconscious mind

By Debbie Howes

I met Debbie Howes at the networking meeting I attended this past week, and as a storyteller, I found her work very fascinating. Debbie says the way we tell a story can give a therapist a lot of information about our unconscious minds.

She says given the same story, we would all tell the story differently to mirror our inner world. So I decided to invite her to guest post here, so she can tell you more about it. Enjoy! ....Damaria

The unconscious mind has the logic of a child. This is why intellectual and rational information does not easily filter through from the conscious mind to the unconscious mind. Many of us know what we need to do and why , but are unable to put it into practice.

We are in a hugely addictive society on many levels. By identifying and accessing the unconscious belief systems and emotional patterns , we are able to make the link and bridge these two aspects of our psyche, so that we may act and do what we know. Most of our functioning comes from these patterns or our 'program' which determines how we cope or deal with everyday life.

Little Red Riding Hood is the childrens story which is incorporated as a medium to projectively access and identify these patterns. Each person will tell a different story from the unconscious mind. The story holds all the dynamics of the unconscious mind and reality. The characters are all universal principles and archetypes.

The inner program or way of viewing the world from the unconscious mind , will determine how a person will react and deal with the whole of life. By reprocessing and desensitizing the story for each individual the inner program or world view is readdressed, and this brings the corresponding changes in the individual's reality. Each person integrates the process at a different rate.
For further information about this, visit Debbie's web site at

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