Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Designated work space urgently needed

I'm at that stage in the client publishing process where I basically need to wait - wait for author checks, wait for artwork changes to be made, wait for.... I don't like waiting. And it's so hot (max 31 degrees celcius) that I'm feeling lethargic. definitely not conducive to working.

Add the fact that I'm actually working from my bed/the kitchen table/the diningroom table/the livingroom sofa, depending on what's available at any given moment, and it's hard to focus on the work.

This week I learnt that the place where you work ( whether it's a home office, kitchen table or bed) is very important and affects how productive you are. There are people who can work anywhere with little impact. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I'm finding that I'm more productive when I have a designated work space, where can sit, get comfortable and basically get into work mode. When I don't have a designated space ( like right now in my mother's house), focussing on the work is hard.

What about you? Can you work anywhere/everywhere? Or do you need a specific place, with specific tools to be able to work? Where do you currently work?

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