Tuesday, February 18, 2014

G is For Give-Aways

I hope that today's post will spark your creative juices and you'll be able to apply some of the ideas generated from this post to add some sparkle to your own blog.

You may also win yourself some lovely prizes including:

1st Prize: a copy of my ebook, How to get quoted in the media and a $15 Amazon gift card.
2nd Prize: a copy of How to get quoted in the media and $10 Amazon gift card
3rd Prize: a copy of How to get quoted in the media and a $5 Amazon gift card

How to enter the competition

Entering this give-away is easy. All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post, something that you were already planning to do.

You comment can be about:

  • How give-aways could benefit your blog
  • How to choose give-away prizes
  • Give-aways your blog visitors might find useful/enjoy 
  • How to get valuable stuff to give away on your blog
  • The post itself - just say you were here and want to be entered for the give-away
Entry rules

  • The competition starts today, on the morning of the 18 February. Entries will be accepted until the evening of Sunday23rd February.  This ensures that people in most time zones are able to enter the competition and those who are swamped with work and blogging have the weekend to enter the competition.
  • Winners will be announced on this blog on Monday 24th. I will then email them their  prizes.
  • Please note that the judges' decision is final and we will enter into no correspondence regarding the competition.

How the winner will be chosen

  • The winner will be chosen in as random a manner as I can manage. Basically, I'm going to print the comments page and cut each comment out into a small piece. 
  • The pieces go into a bowl, and my mother, who has never read a blog in her life, will pick out the winner. She doesn't  know any one of my blog readers, so there will be no favouritism involved.
Well, that's it, and good luck!

Edited to add: The winners are:

1st prize - Michelle Gibson
2nd Prize- Rochefel Rivera
3rd Prize - Student Mommy

Thank you all for participating. I'll be in touch with all the winners.


Shawn said...

What fun! I can see how having a contest could invite people to be involved with your blog. This is a good idea and I will use it in the future.

Unknown said...

Lol! I like the idea. I was actually thinking of bribing your grandmother but i don't think it's possible! Give-aways for me is something that would make the receiver feel he/she has won in a lottery! something with great value but was given with heart. Will wait for my price.

PS. To "Mom", I am sending my warmest hug and kiss if you'll pick me. :)

Damaria Senne said...

@Shawn - I hope giveaways works well for you too.
@Roche - LOL! How did you find out she can be bribed with hugs?

Empty Nest Insider said...

Best of luck with the contest! I got a chuckle about your mom "who has never read a blog in her life," because she reminds me of my mom! I saw you over at Michelle's Ubuntu bloghop, and will check back in later.


Michelle Wallace said...

Well my mom doesn't know that a blog exists... (bless her 84-year-old soul) and I really don't think your grandma can be bribed... the old ladies are very strict and "by the book"...
I think that the idea of winning something appeals to human nature... I know that I get excited when I win something!
Writer In Transit

Damaria Senne said...

@Empty Nest Insider - thanks fror coming by.
@michelle - Very true. I know I like the idea of getting something of value without having to pay for it. Cash is even better:)

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh! I hope your mother is deft in her picking.
(I shall now look up the word deft... )

Unknown said...

What a fantastic idea! I'd not even thought about giveaways. Something to add to my "list of things to think about"

Thanks for sharing :)

Damaria Senne said...

Mma has chosen. The winners are :
1st prize: Michelle Gibson
2nd Prize: Rochefel Rivera
3rd Prize: Student Mommy

Thank you all for participating.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I've never won anything in my life haha!

Looking forward to reading your e-book

Damaria Senne said...

@Michelle Gibson - Enjoy. I hope some of the information is applicable for your own business.

Copyright Notice

With the exception of entries specifically credited to individual authors, the content on this blog is copyrighted by Damaria Senne and may not be reprinted without permission.