Monday, January 29, 2007

Link to the Journal of Commonwealth Literature

While doing a vanity search on Google, I found a mention of my name in the Journal Commonwealth Literature.

I'm not sure which story was reprinted in the journal, because access is by subscription only and their pay per article rate is $15.

However, I think it's The Long Way Home, a story that was part of an anthology that was published in 1993.

The reason I think so is because Immanuel Suttner is one of the contributors, and that anthology is the only one in which we are co-contributors.

Titled "Some roses, a hambuger, an AK47 and a puddle," it was a second anthology of stories in the Hippogriff New Writers series, published by the now-defunct Hippogriff Press. The collection was edited by EM Macphail and Peter Esterhuyzen.

Gosh, that brings back old memories! Those were the days when I attended literary workshops and dreamt of becoming a literary author. Never struck me that I don't read literary books for enjoyment and may not enjoy writing them either.

Thank God I've found my niche!

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