Friday, November 08, 2013

A Lesson From Johnny Apple

Until last night, I'd never heard of Johnny Apple. No, I haven't been hiding under a rock! But I don't  watch TV much and I never watched SA's Got Talent. Then Baby emailed me, happy and bubbly because Johnny Apple phoned her for a chat.

Winner of SA's Got Talent 2013, he decided to phone some of his fans to thank them for supporting him. He made Baby's year (her words:-). 

It was a classy move. And a smart one, because I suspect today a whole bunch of teens were excitedly telling their friends about Johnny Apple and how nice he is... how down to earth... how talented! You can't buy that kind of endorsement. As another artist, though a less famous one, I am taking note of this lesson from him.

Of course I had to do a bit of research to find out who made my Baby so happy. And I agree with her: boy's got talent!

In other news, all is well in the Senne household. Mma had a check-up on Wednesday and we spent most of the day at the hospital. It was exhausting. But I'm happy it was done. The blood pressure, glucose, pulse, kidney indicators were OK. The next check-up is in January ( they tend to give us a long period like this between check-ups when she's doing well).

Other than that, I have a full schedule of writing to do for November: a course module for a course I'm co-writing due early next year, 7 thought leadership pieces for a corporate client due throughout November ( topics look interesting) and a short story call (I've been meaning to build a body of work under the pen name I'm using). I'm excited about the work. I finally feel like I'm living a full life I can enjoy, not one truncated by circumstances.

Enjoy your weekend.


po said...

Wow, I don't have a TV and usually find those shows to be full of mediocrity, so I had not heard of him either, but that guy is REALLy good. And a sweetie for actually calling his fans! Have a good weekend, Damaria.

Damaria Senne said...

Thanks. Enjoy your weekend too, Po.

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