Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The merrigolds are blooming

The merrigolds that I planted about 13 weeks ago are blooming, giving me a nice view from my desk.

I liked them for their colour, and the fact that they are hardy and I couldn't kill them even if I tried.

I'm going to plant more flowers for Spring, so when I look up from the laptop I see a nice inspiring view. And it feels great to see something beautiful and know that you had something to do with its creation.

In terms of writing, I got an email from someone I respect asking to quote an article that I wrote in his next book. Now, that was just nice.

As a writer, it made me appreciate the fact that, long after I've written and published a piece, maybe even forgotten about, people still read it and find it useful.


Anonymous said...

Hi Damaria

I also love these flowers. Low maintenance but lots of
beauty and colour in the garden, not to mention all the
butterflies that can be seen amongst them.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely rendering of the name Marigold. They are merri-golds aren't they, really jolly yellow and orange and full of life.

Bye for now

Damaria Senne said...

@Corinna - thanks. I wish I could take credit for the rendering, but someone beat me to it.

Damaria Senne said...

@Corinna - thanks. I wish I could take credit for the rendering, but someone beat me to it.

Anonymous said...

Take care and enjoy your weekend!! T had garden service in today to totally clean up the garden, cut ivy, trim trees etc, looks better and he has had a vegetable patch created where he wants to plant veg, we truly enjoyed the spinach spell, was so nice to eat fresh fresh spinach with feta etc. Getting loads of soil and bulbs next week, also I want roses near the library window, will look nice.

Anonymous said...

@Lynn-Your gardening project sounds fabulous. I know we enjoyed spinach last year and tomatoes this year too. Right now I’ve got beet root.

Damaria Senne said...

@Lynn-Your patch sounds great. I hope to start planting at the end of April/beginning of May too. love growng spinach; you never run out, because it grows back after you pick it.

I think piggies are waay out of question; don't they eat everything they can lay their mouths on including planted veges?

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With the exception of entries specifically credited to individual authors, the content on this blog is copyrighted by Damaria Senne and may not be reprinted without permission.