Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tell Your Story On "My First Time"

My First Time is running low on stories and may have to end in November. All we need are five stories a week to keep the project running. If you have a story, or know someone who does, please send it in.

It can be on any of the themes we’ve already written on, or any first time in your life that was significant for you. Your story can be long or short, and you can send in the pictures you like or I can put some up for you.

Your story has the power to make someone’s day, or make them realise someone else is feeling what they’re feeling. There are over 100 stories so far, and I’d love to receive yours and share it with everyone.

About My First Time

As women, we are told how to feel, how to look and how to act every day by a variety of sources, and when we don’t feel the ‘right’ way we place blame on ourselves rather than on the outside world. Every woman is taught to be self-critical – to wonder why she’s herself and not someone better, thinner, taller, brighter, sportier, healthier, more generous, more driven. This behaviour pattern can form a cycle where we look further and further inside of ourselves for the source of the problem, the reason that we can’t quite ‘make it’ and so we end up with our hearts and heads in crisis.

One of the most valuable things that we can do to get ourselves out of this deep hole of market-supported self-loathing is to spend time with a girl friend that has been there, can empathise and would do anything to make you feel better. Women, more than men, are given the space to truly let rip with their friends. We can reveal our darkest, dirtiest secrets, discuss our hopes, fears and dreams and share experiences that build us up in a way that the best diet or the most money can never do.

Learn more about My First Time

And if possible, please blog about this call for stories?  Thanks.

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With the exception of entries specifically credited to individual authors, the content on this blog is copyrighted by Damaria Senne and may not be reprinted without permission.