Yes I'm excited! Publisher I sent Pam's second novel to has made an offer to publish it and will send a contract soon. The ebook would come out in November, by their reckoning. Congratulations Pam. I'm so excited for you and hope you will pen and publish many more books. The icing on the cake would be if the other publisher I sent Pam's third novel also said Yes. But I can wait a bit. I'm not greedy! Not much anyway:-)
In case you're wondering how I came into that picture, I have an arrangement with some writers to market their works for a cut. Pam thinks that makes me her agent, but I wouldn't call it as formal as all that.
For today, I don't want to work. It's a Monday between a weekend and a public holiday and really, it's wrong for my boss to make me work like it's a normal workday. But that slave driver says she doesn't want to hear it : we have stories to write, manuscripts to edit etc, meet and we'll damn well do it, even if she has to chain me to a chair.
The weekend was great though. I spent a couple of hours with friends and also worked quite a bit in my garden. Updated the garden design and even if I do say so myself, it looks much better. Has more structure and it will be easier to manage.
Planted three vege squares for salad mix ( lettuce, onion, tomato, spinach, bens, basil, chives, chilli, parsley and rocket), stews and grills (beetroot, sweet corn, beans, more tomato, carrots) and herbs (thyme, chives, parsley, rosemary, baril, coriander,mint, more chilli and cumin). The rocket harvest I already have looks huge and I'm going to have to give away some of it.
So how was your weekend? And what are you planning to do on Women's Day?
Congrats to you both!! Wonderwomen :)
Po, if you're female then you're Wonderwoman - it goes without saying. And, D, you are SO my agent! I'm glad you had a good weekend, but too bad about that boss of yours making you work today. :-) I hope I get a bit of a break tomorrow given that it's Women's Day. Enjoy your day, D.
Well done PAM!!!!
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